Less functionalities in lyo 4.0.0?

Hello everyone,

We changed our project from 4.0.0.M2 to 4.0.0 and it seems that some functions that were present in 4.0.0.M2 are not available anymore.
For example for the ChangeRequest class in 4.0.0.M2 following functions are available:
m2 release

but in 4.0.0 only addRelatedChangeRequest function is available (and the others from the screenshot above seem to not be available anymore):
final release

Why is that? We were using addRelatedTestPlan to link ChangeRequests to a TestPlan and now we cannot do that anymore. Trying to do it the other way around (linking from the TestPlan to the ChangeRequest using testPlan.addRelatedChangeRequest returns status code 403 (forbidden), so it seems to not be the right way to do it - the same result is in both versions). What can we do about this?

Thank you,

Hello Ana-Maria,

https://docs.oasis-open-projects.org/oslc-op/cm/v3.0/ps01/change-mgt-shapes.html#changerequest does not list relatedTestPlan property. Old domain classes can be found in the https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.eclipse.lyo.clients/oslc-java-client-resources module. I don’t know where that property came from, we will discuss it today in the OSLC OP call at 1600 CET (https://hackmd.io/GBxx8iRLS3Sf-VvZM2z1Dw). Please join if you are interested https://github.com/oslc-op/oslc-specs#contributions

Best regards,


We discussed this issue today. The property was deprecated in 2.0 and removed in 3.0. We decided to bring it back to the vocab and mark it archaic but not to the shape. You can use the classes in the legacy module or access this property via the extendedProperties facility in the new domain classes.

Best regards,

Also, I have a question to @anamr: did you decide you wanted to use this property (you should not) or do you need it because that’s how the project area is set up?

Hello Andrew,

Thank you for your response! In our projects we use this property and I was asked to implement a use-case using it, so I wonder now why you considered it to be deprecated…
I will use the extendedProperties then, thank you again!

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