How create new type in OSLC

I’m using polarion system and need to create some new types through OSLC ,not configure it on the page.
The polarion has creationFactory service, but i don’t know how to use it to create a Work Item types in polarion.
does OSLC or polarion support this?

Hi @miaoyibo

Welcome to the forum and the OSLC community.

It’s unclear to me what you’re trying to do. Can you maybe explain the whole scenario?

Are you trying to “create some new types” or “create new items” ? See this explanation for Work Item Types

I don’t believe you can use creation factories to create Work Item types. But maybe you can check Polarion’s new REST api for that.

thanks for reply
Actually, I want to create work item types,not items. Because there are several systems who want to integrate with the Polarion system via the OSLC interface and they hope to create some new work item types through the OSLC interface .
I am not sure if this requirement is reasonable…

You’d need to get a more definitive answer from Siemens on this, but from what I know, I don’t believe Polarion supports the handling of types with OSLC.

Why not use REST to create the types (I am not 100% sure it supports type creation, but you can always create an extension to do that)? Why does it have to be OSLC?
And then you can stilll use OSLC for the remaining integration needs.

yes, i also think it’s better to use REST,I will discuss this with my colleague.thanks anyway.