I am trying to add requirements on a DOORS Server using DWA OSLC LYO. Generally, this works, but the requirement is always added at the very top of the module.
So, assuming I have a requirement structure that looks like this…
1.Top Title A
├1.1. Sub Title A
│├1.1.1. Requirement A
│└1.1.2. Requirement B
└1.2. Sub Title B
└1.2.1. Requirement C
2.Top Title B
└2.1. Sub Title C
└2.1.1 Requirement D
…and I add an requirement, it then always ends up looking like this:
1. Newly added Requirement
2.Top Title A
├2.1. Sub Title A
│├2.1.1. Requirement A
│└2.1.2. Requirement B
└2.2. Sub Title B
└2.2.1. Requirement C
3.Top Title B
└3.1. Sub Title C
└3.1.1 Requirement D
However, what I would like is to add the requirement below or beneath an existing requirement, like this:
1.Top Title A
├1.1. Sub Title A
│├1.1.1. Requirement A
│├1.1.2. Newly added Requirement
│└1.1.3. Requirement B
└1.2. Sub Title B
└1.2.1. Requirement C
2.Top Title B
└2.1. Sub Title C
└2.1.1 Requirement D
…or like this:
1.Top Title A
├1.1. Sub Title A
│├1.1.1. Requirement A
││└ Newly added Requirement
│└1.1.2. Requirement B
└1.2. Sub Title B
└1.2.1. Requirement C
2.Top Title B
└2.1. Sub Title C
└2.1.1 Requirement D
How can I achieve this?
Currently, the logic that I use for adding new requirements is this:
ClientResponse createResourceResponse = oslcOauthClient.createResource(
Requirement createdRequirement
= createResourceResponse.getEntity(Requirement.class);
String doorsRequirementIdentifier = createdRequirement.getIdentifier();
Any input on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance,